
30+ New Listings Every 30 Days on Autopilot GUARANTEED for $0

We build and rank you a website that's #1 for the most-competitive organic Google keyword terms GUARANTEED; effectively pushing Zillow down in the rankings to make room for you.

NASTRM® (Short Term Rental Association) Voted LGRE #1 SEO Authority in Real Estate.

Claim Your City and Rank #1 for all Keywords Before they're Taken by Another Agent:

Done-For-You Website

1 Custom built website per city available. First come first serve.

Done-For-You #1 Rank SEO

Rank #1 above Zillow for all the most competitive keywords.

$0 Recurring Costs

Lifetime maintence.

Weekly Mastermind Meeting

Weekly masterminds with likeminded agents.

Book A Free Call

Weekly masterminds with the top Agents to strategize how to handle the overwhelming lead-flow.


LGRE Experience

We actively manage or consult with the in-house SEO teams at:

NASTRM® Declares lgre #1 For Real Estate SEO

Dozens of motivated sellers and buyers will be calling you ready to transact.

The challenge our members are facing is how best to capitalize on all this lead-flow their custom websites and rankings are getting. Some of our agents just started announcing they only work with sellers to cut back on the number of listings they work due to not having a team or referral system in place.

A requirement we are now enforcing is that if an agent is to sign up with us, they must have a plan in place to handle the excess leads. The sheer number of ready to transact prospects is only workable with a team or entire brokerage. It's very easy to sully a reputation if you're not ready for this.

We create a done-for-you custom built website that will mimic the experience of Zillow and rank you #1 for every single local keyword in your market. Never think about Lead Generation again.

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